Project of the Ministry of the Interior: Minimization of risks of events in socially important buildings

Based on a successful competition announced by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic, the International Institute for Security started solving a public procurement project (VH20202021056) called Minimizing the risks of events in Socially important buildings. The aim of the project is to create proposals for measures, methodologies and ČSN standards aimed at minimizing risks in Socially important buildings. The main user of the results will be the General Directorate of the Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic. The project is divided into 4 stages, which will which will run from October 2020 to December 2021.

The first stage will focus on the concept itself – Socially Significant Objects (SVO). The concept of SVO is currently not clearly defined, so the project will address its clarification at this stage. The concept will be redefined, criteria will be set, and essential information from abroad will be classified and analyzed.

The second stage will focus on identifying relevant threats based on the results of the first stage. A detailed description of the identified threats will take place. At the same time, in the second stage, a database of risk analysis methods suitable for further activities in the project will be created in parallel.

The third stage will focus on addressing the identified threats from the previous stage. Threat scenarios will be created for different threat categories and measures will be proposed for the given threat categories. At the same time, the preparation of the draft methodology will begin.

The fourth stage will focus on completing the project results. A draft of measures for individual categories of the newly redefined concept, a draft of a certified methodology and a ČSN standard will be created.

Project status (January 2021): The project team of the project Minimizing the Risks of Events in Socially Significant Buildings successfully completed the first stage at the beginning of January 2021 by sending a final report to the contracting authority – the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic. Basic frameworks and definitions have been created to guide other parts of the project.

Project status (May 2021): The research team of the project Minimizing the Risks of Events in Socially Significant Buildings successfully completed the second stage at the end of May 2021 by preparing a summary document for this stage. At the same time, in this phase, it created a list of threats and prepared a prototype of a tool for collecting basic information on specific vulnerable buildings and public events, which was simultaneously tested internally and in cooperation with HZS representatives.

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