Design for Security is a crime prevention consultancy based at Greater Manchester Police. It practice specializes in design-led crime prevention in the built environment.
It is a small team of professionals with experience in the planning, architecture, landscape architecture and development industries who are accredited to provide crime prevention and ‘crime design’ advice. The guiding idea is that everyone has the right to live in a well-designed, safe environment where the quality of life of individuals and communities is not undermined by crime or the fear of crime.
The team works with local authorities, housing associations, architects, landscape architects, planning consultants and developers to support the creation of proposals that address crime and safety issues and minimize future opportunities for offenders.
A Crime Impact Statement (CIS) is a report required by local planning authorities to be submitted with major planning applications. These are sometimes referred to as Crime Impact Assessments or Crime Impact Assessments (DOCAs). However, CIS is not just a report, but a consultation and evaluation process carried out by Design for Security.
Introduced by Manchester Police and Planning Authorities in 2006, the CIS process involves identifying, anticipating, evaluating and mitigating the impacts of crime and disorder on a development proposal early in the design process – before planning decisions are made and commitments are made. The purpose of the CIS is to ensure that proponents consider crime, disorder and the fear of crime before deciding whether to proceed with new projects. CIS will include all Secured By Design accreditation requirements should the client wish to apply for an award.
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