Critical infrastructure protection
Our activities focus on security consulting for critical infrastructure entities. This consultancy includes support in implementation of new regulations, methodologies, technologies and other safety measures. We have practical experience in the field of water supply, transport and healthcare.
Critical infrastructure are elements (specific building, equipment, facility or public infrastructure) whose function is of such importance that limiting this function would have a serious impact on safety, health of the population or economy of the Czech Republic. If the function is equally important in the EU context, it is the European Critical Infrastructure. The operators of the individual elements are referred to as critical infrastructure entities.
Critical infrastructure is defined by Act No. 240/2000 Coll. on Crisis Management (known as the Crisis Act), to which critical infrastructure was added in 2010. Specific elements are determined according to sectoral and cross-sectional criteria on the basis of Government Decree No. 432/2010 Coll. In practice, individual elements may include, for example, ministry buildings, air traffic control, fire stations, social security data centers or water reservoirs.
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